Bring your AI-powered education ideas to life.

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Remix or start from scratch.

You can use or adapt apps created by our global community of educators.

Remix apps others have built to make them your own

See what other Playlab educators have built.

Toni is an AI writing editor designed to help high school students improve their writing.
Adrian Antao, High School English Teacher
Career Exploration
Project Launcher
Helping 30 students go after personalized projects is really hard. Project launcher helps educators offer individualized support, even for projects that are outside of their personal expertise.
Seth Trudeau, Learning Designer
Middle School
High School
Ida B. - Cornell Notes Tutor
This bot reads an uploaded text and provides students with 2 questions per paragraph. To ensure student understanding of the text, the bot produces a short 5 question quiz to stamp key understandings within the given text.
Fatimah Barrie, Middle School History Teacher
Monika supports teachers in creating high interest phenomena based on student interests and NGSS aligned standards to support students making authentic connections to science content.
Monika Patel, School Principal
Murrow is a journalistic story development and writing coach.
Ed Madison, College Professor
Community Engagement Assistant
An assistant that helps you better engage your community by drawing on Teach For America's Office of Belonging & Equity's Work on Community Engagement & Coalition Building.
Barry Thomas, VP of Community Engagement
Explore More Community Apps

We're democratizing who gets to create with AI.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we're committed to equity and access over profit.

Shweta Ratra

Shweta, Principal at Crotona International High School, created a tool that helps her educators create questions aligned to skills and lesson objectives.

Shweta Ratra

Andrea Walker

Andrea Walker, COO of Cooperman College Scholars, designed “College Thought Partner” to help first and second year college students tackle common obstacles.

Shweta Ratra
Learn More About Us

Designed for safe and secure use in schools and other organizations.

Enterprise-grade security.

We've invested in security that exceeds K12 standards. Our technology has been independently audited and approved by the largest districts and school networks in the US.

Org-wide Collaboration

Staff can collaboratively create AI apps, share them internally with other staff or students, and review usage data & insights across your organization. Integrations like single sign-on with Clever make this a breeze.

Admin features

Fine-grained controls enable you to manage permissions, access, data and insights across your organization. Leverage AI to advance your mission while keeping your users safe.

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Playlab for schools enables safe, school-wide use of AI. You can use apps from our global community, adapt them to your needs, or create your own. All with enterprise-grade support.

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Impact Orgs

Nonprofits & companies use Playlab to create AI-powered tools for their teams and communities. All while drawing on features that are purpose-built for education.

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Research partners help us cut past the hype to uncover how AI can actually drive impact in education. Get in touch if you would like to collaborate with us!

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Playlab is brought to you by Playlab Education Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.